Secret to surviving stress

This post was an email I sent to my newsletter subscribers on March 4, 2023. 

Read time: 2 minutes.

The past couple of weeks have been challenging. My car got stolen (and found). I had several hard days at work. And my credit card company called to tell me there were fraudulent charges on my account.

My thoughts were telling me “don’t worry, you’re fine, everything’s fine”.

But my body and behavior were telling me otherwise. I snapped at my fiancé over silly things. I had low energy and felt a migraine coming on. I had trouble staying focused at work and on the volleyball court. The quality of my workouts was “meh”.

Plus, the biofeedback from my watch was enlightening. My heart rate variability was “unbalanced”. My sleep quality was “poor”. And my body battery was “drained”. Ooof.

All signs pointed to my body being in a state of stress.

Okay, fine. I am stressed out.

Kid crying and looking annoyed

Now for the relaxing bubble baths, mani/pedis, meditation, and calming essential oils. Right?

Woman getting a face mask put on her face in a beauty salon

Not necessarily. Those things are great for stress reduction, but I found something that works better.

When stressed, I don’t do anything much different than normal. I still complete my morning routine every day as best I can. I still go to the gym. I still spend time in nature with my doggo. I still stick to my nutrition plan. And I still meet work challenges with a positive attitude and drive to succeed. Per uzhe.

My entire lifestyle is centered around self-care. I make my nutrition, fitness, and mental health a priority every day. There are definitely days that throw me off my game, but I have a game plan that helps me get back on track fast and navigate the unexpected.

Every day I am protecting myself from whatever hardship life may throw my way. Whether it’s by eating healthy. By improving my fitness. By writing in my journal. By going to bed early. By spending time outside. Or, all the above.

The way that we all perceive stress and react to individual stressors is unique. But here’s my secret to navigating the stress train without letting it completely derail my life.

If your lifestyle is more self-sabotaging than self-loving, then stress is going to impact you much harder than the other way around. If you’re not used to regular self-care, trying to do it solely for stress reduction is going to be difficult and ineffective.

Now don’t get me wrong, the week was still pretty sucky and I definitely have some apologizing to do to my fiancé. But I listened to my body and stuck to my game plan. I continued to show up for me and kept my momentum going in the areas of my life that are most important to me. That, my friends, is the ultimate version of self-care.

Stressful times can completely wreck your progress. It can cause bad habits to form. It can impact your immune system, your ability to think and your mood. It can steal your attention away from what’s important. And it can completely take control over your decisions. (Goodbye, willpower.)

But I have found that these things are more likely to happen when people don’t have a strong foundation to lean on. That strong foundation is one that’s built before the stress hits.

Every one of my adult athlete clients must work with me to develop a custom Game Plan during their first session. This Game Plan outlines is what serves as a basis for them building their strong foundation. It’s their blueprint for success and improves their chances of staying on track, especially during stressful days, weeks or months.

Do you want to learn how to build a strong foundation and self-caring lifestyle?

When you sign up for my newsletter list, you’ll receive a free copy of my Adult Athletes Playbook:  A Guide to Peak Performance and Athletic Longevity.  In this playbook, I walk you through the steps to build a strong foundation and strategies for upgrading your mindset, nutrition, training and recovery.  Enter your email below to download your copy now.  

Hope you all have a lovely, and relaxing weekend! 

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