If my knees crack every time I stand up, does that mean I’m officially old? Asking for a friend. For a long time, I thought mobility work was optional—something you did when you had extra time (which, let’s be real, never happens). But after dealing with my fair share of stiffness and nagging aches, I’ve learned that mobility is just as important as strength and endurance. If I want to keep training, competing, and feeling good in my body for years to come, I can’t afford to ignore it. So, I’ve made mobility a non-negotiable part of my routine, and I can honestly say it’s a game-changer. If you’re…
Reframing setbacks: Turning injuries and illness into opportunities
As athletes, we’re wired to push forward—to train harder, perform better, and conquer every challenge in our path. It’s exhilarating, isn’t it? That drive fuels us, giving us purpose and a sense of accomplishment. But what happens when our bodies whisper—or sometimes scream—“NOPE. Not today.”? Injuries and fatigue are uninvited guests in every athlete’s journey but they force us to pause. I’ve been there many times, but through those moments, I’ve learned something powerful: setbacks are opportunities for an upgrade. When I hit my late 30s, I noticed my body didn’t bounce back as quickly as it once did. At 37, I tore my meniscus and needed surgery to fix…
A guide to using red light therapy for faster healing
(Read time: 8 minutes) Red light therapy, also known as low-level laser therapy (LLLT) or photobiomodulation, has gained attention for its potential health benefits. One of the primary advantages of red light therapy is its ability to stimulate cellular function and promote healing. The red light wavelengths penetrate the skin and are absorbed by the cells, triggering a series of biological responses. As always, athletes should consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice on incorporating red light therapy into their training and recovery routines. What are the potential benefits? Pain relief: It can help reduce inflammation and alleviate pain in conditions like arthritis, muscle soreness, and joint pain. Wound healing:…
8 ways to speed up healing
(Read time: 6 minutes) When I was 37, I tore my meniscus and decided to have surgery to repair it. After surgery, I hit the physical therapy hard but began incorporating other lifestyle changes that would help me heal faster. My philosophy was that the faster I heal, the faster I could get back to my active lifestyle. But the healing process wasn’t just physical. I also began to realize the emotional toll that injuries can have and getting into a healing mindset is easier said than done. 2 years after my knee injury, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and am in the middle of one hell of…
Important tips to avoid jet lag
Read time: 5 minutes, 30 seconds. Jet lag is a condition that results from traveling across time zones, which can disrupt the body’s internal clock or circadian rhythm. The body’s circadian rhythm is regulated by a complex system of biological clocks that control various bodily functions, including sleep, hormone production, and metabolism. These clocks are synchronized with environmental cues such as light and darkness, so when you travel to a new time zone, your body’s clocks are out of sync with the local time. This can lead to a range of symptoms, including fatigue, insomnia, irritability, digestive problems, and difficulty concentrating. Over time, the body will adjust to the new…
My Post Volleyball Tournament Recovery Routine
I played in a volleyball tournament this past weekend and for the first time in a while, I was extremely sore afterwards. I usually experience some soreness but this was more than usual. I knew it was about time to get to my volleyball recovery routine. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve noticed how differently my body responds after a volleyball tournament (especially if it’s in shallow or hard-packed sand), or when I begin a new phase of my strength training workouts. Last week I also a new phase of my strength training program so my end-of-week fatigue was compounded by my post-tournament soreness. I have a few tricks up my…
7 Tips for Falling Asleep Faster
In this blog, I am going to be talking about some very easy tips for falling asleep faster. Let’s get started right away. When we are asleep our body temperature drops and many biological systems slow down. Even though we are in a more relaxed state our body is still working hard to carry out a whole array of extremely important functions that benefit us while we are awake. These functions include repair, detoxification, healing, storage of energy, and fighting off infection. During sleep, important hormones such as growth hormones are released. Growth hormone is important for cell growth and repair and for muscle development. When we get good sleep,…
[RECIPE] Peanut Butter and Jelly Post-Workout Smoothie
Jump to Recipe One of my favorite ways to recover after a workout or competition is peanut butter and jelly smoothie. It is the perfect post-workout smoothie. With 21 grams of carbohydrates and 31 grams of protein, this meets sports nutrition recommendations for a recovery meal. The spinach adds a great source of additional vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients to support healing. Ashwagandha is an effective adaptogen which means that it helps the body adapt to physical and mental stress. For another great post-recovery recipe, check out this Gogi Berry Green Smoothie. I’ve also included free instant access to my e-book, 20 Adaptogenic Recipes to Enhance Healing and Recovery below. All…
[RECIPE] Morning Hydrating Cocktail for Optimum Recovery
Jump to Recipe Ever since moving to Colorado 2 years ago now, I have struggled with staying hydrated. The dry air here seems to steal water from my body and I had found it very difficult to rehydrate the next day after a full night of sleep. But then I discovered this amazing hydrating cocktail and it has significantly helped me to rehydrate in the mornings. This is the best hydrating cocktail recipe that I have come across. The electrolytes are delicious and are key for maintaining fluid balance. I also add Rhodiola extract purchased from herb expert and health coach Marie Frohlich of Taproot Herbals to help return my…
7 Tips to Treat Sore Muscles for Adults
This article is about my own personal experience and remedies that I use to treat sore muscles. Use these tips to recover faster after an intense workout or a long game. I played in a volleyball tournament this past weekend and for the first time in a while, I was extremely sore afterward. I usually experience some soreness but this was more than usual. I have been working hard in the gym to improve my strength and power, but I hadn’t played that many games at that level of competition in months. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve noticed how differently my body responds after a volleyball tournament, or when I…
How to Recover Faster after Injury (or Surgery)
In this article, you will get to know all the hacks to recover faster. So buckle up and let’s get started. If you ask any athlete if they’ve ever been injured while playing their sport, the chances are slim that they say no. A solid strength and conditioning program can do amazing things, including reducing the risk of injury, but it doesn’t prevent it from happening completely. Injuries are something that can happen at any point, in any sport. Injuries can even happen when you’re not playing a sport. I’ve sprained one ankle in a minor car accident and another one just by walking (who put that curb there?!). I…
7 Anti-Inflammatory Foods for Optimum Wellness
Anti-inflammatory foods contain compounds that help the body fight inflammation. The following is a short-list of 7 anti-inflammatory foods and compounds that help the body heal, promote healthy bones and joints, and enhance recovery after workouts. Collagen Collagen protein is the main compound found in the connective tissue of mammals and makes up a third of all protein in the human body. When we are young our bodies naturally produce a consistent level of collagen but as we approach our mid-thirties, collagen production starts to decline. This leads to yields saggy skin, weakening of cartilage in joints and the formation of lines and wrinkles. Collagen production can also decline due to…
[RECIPE] Goji Berry Green Smoothie (with adaptogens!)
Jump to Recipe Goji berry smoothie is not only delicious, but it also provides a lot of nutritional value. The ingredients add flavor, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients that help the body recover, reduce inflammation, eliminate toxins, and enhance healing. Goji berries are gaining so much popularity and I’m so happy! These berries are incredibly popular with the raw food community because they provide such amazing nutritional value in one tiny berry and are used in many raw food recipes. As I mentioned in this post, goji berries are a complete source of protein, help athletes improve oxygen uptake, and help break up lactic acid in the body after an intense…
What to Look For in a Collagen Supplement
What the heck is collagen? Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body and is arguably the most important protein for athletic performance. This protein plays a structural role in building healthy joints, skin, bones, hair, and nails. It also promotes a healthy gut by providing the building blocks of the high-sensitive digestive organs. So, you really need to take your collagen supplement seriously. Even though collagen is the most abundant protein in the body, the production declines as humans age. Therefore it’s important to support an aging body with dietary sources of collagen. Unfortunately, these dietary sources are not present in the Standard American Diet. issue. Collagen…
4 ways to upgrade your sleep
When we are asleep our body temperature drops and many biological systems slow down. Even though we are in a more relaxed state our body is still working hard to carry out a whole array of extremely important functions that benefit us while we are awake. These functions include: repair, detoxification, healing, storage of energy, and fights off infection. During sleep, important hormones such as growth hormone are released. Growth hormone is important for cell growth and repair and for muscle development. Also, when we are getting enough sleep the hormones that control our appetite are regulated. When we are sleep deprived these hormones are out of balance which causes…
[RECIPE] Tart Cherry Jello for Hydration and Recovery
jump to recipe When I was recovering from knee surgery, I made sure to have plenty of this homemade tart cherry jello in my fridge. It was great the first couple of days as my stomach was returning to normal after the anesthesia. After that it turned into a treat that I looked forward to each day. This recipe is one of my favorites because it’s refreshing, delicious and packed with nutrients to pretty much do one thing: help my body heal. I’ve added this tart cherry extract to this recipe which contains powerful compounds that help with soothing inflammation and joint health. I’ve also added my favorite…
10 Backed by Science Healing Foods to Enhance Recovery
In addition to soft-tissue work, nutrition can play a significant role in recovery between workouts and from injuries. Incorporating these healing foods into your diet on a daily or weekly basis below will help speed up the healing process and will also promote optimum health. 1. Grass-fed beef liver Vitamin A or retinol plays a significant role in keeping bones, skin, and red blood cells healthy. The pre-cursor to Vitamin A, beta-carotene, is a pigment found in yellow, red, orange vegetables and dark leafy greens and may be effective in improving recovery after workouts and reducing post-exercise soreness. All of these plant foods are all excellent sources of Vitamin A…